by | Aug 8, 2024

How to Care for a Hydroseeded Lawn: Top Tips for 2024


The Importance of Caring for Your Hydroseeded Lawn

Taking care of a hydroseeded lawn is vital to ensure that your grass grows lush, green, and strong. If you’re in a rush, here’s a quick overview to get you started:

  • Keep the soil consistently moist.
  • Water 2-5 times daily for the first two weeks.
  • Mow for the first time when blades reach 3-4 inches.
  • Use ‘starter’ fertilizers to boost growth.
  • Hold off on weed control until after several mowings.

Hydroseeding is a fast and efficient method to establish a lawn. It not only saves time but also offers quite a few benefits. A properly-followed hydroseed process can yield a lawn that is both attractive and durable. By keeping up with a few simple maintenance tasks, you can have a lawn that stays healthy and green over the years.

Hello there! I’m Steve Sylva, the owner of Steve’s Services Landscape Company. With over 25 years of experience, I’ve seen the success that comes with proper hydroseed lawn care. My team and I know exactly how to care for a hydroseeded lawn to make it thrive and look its best.

essential hydroseed care steps - how to care for a hydroseeded lawn infographic infographic-line-5-steps

Initial Hydroseeding Care

Watering Instructions

Watering your newly hydroseeded lawn correctly is the most important step to ensure successful growth. Right after hydroseeding, allow the mulch to dry completely before you begin watering. Usually, this takes about a day. Once the mulch is dry, you can start your watering schedule.

First Two Weeks

During the first two weeks, the goal is to keep the soil consistently moist to promote germination.

  • Frequency: Water 2-5 times per day, depending on the climate.
  • Duration: Each watering session should last about 10-20 minutes.
  • Seasonal Adjustments: If the temperature exceeds 85 degrees with high humidity, do not water during the day or night. This can cook the grass and invite fungus. Instead, wait until the temperature drops below 85 degrees.

Moisture Maintenance

Keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged is crucial. Too much water can lead to runoff and too little can dry out the seeds. Adjust your watering schedule based on the weather. For example, if heavy rain is expected within the next 12 hours, skip the watering to avoid over-saturating the soil.

Germination and Mulch Drying

The first two weeks are critical for germination. Ensure the mulch dries out between watering sessions, especially in shady areas. This helps prevent mold and fungus from developing. If you notice any signs of drying out, like a lighter color or cracking, increase the frequency of watering.

watering hydroseeded lawn - how to care for a hydroseeded lawn

By following these watering instructions, you can set the foundation for a healthy and lush lawn. The first two weeks are the most critical, so stay vigilant and adjust your watering as needed.

How to Care for a Hydroseeded Lawn

Watering Schedule

Watering is crucial for your hydroseeded lawn. Hydroseeded lawns need consistent moisture to thrive:

  • Early Morning: Start watering early in the morning. This helps the soil absorb water before the heat of the day.
  • Midday: Avoid watering during the hottest part of the day. Water can evaporate quickly, and the heat can stress young grass.
  • Late Afternoon: Water again in the late afternoon or early evening. This gives the lawn enough time to absorb water before nightfall.

Tip: If you see puddling, stop watering immediately. Overwatering can harm your lawn.

Mowing Guidelines

Proper mowing is key to a healthy lawn:

  • First Mow Timing: Wait until your grass is about 3 inches tall before the first mow. This usually takes around 4-6 weeks.
  • Blade Height: Keep your mower blades high initially. Lower the blade height gradually as your lawn thickens.
  • Mowing Frequency: Mow regularly but never cut more than 1/4 inch off the grass blade. Dull blades can tear the grass, causing stress and disease.

Tip: Leave clippings on the lawn to biodegrade. This helps feed the soil and promote growth.

Fertilizing Tips

Fertilizing gives your lawn the nutrients it needs:

  • Starter Fertilizer: Use a high-nitrogen starter fertilizer initially. This helps establish a strong root system.
  • Follow-Up Applications: After the first 4-5 weeks, apply fertilizer every 6-8 weeks. Look for high-nitrogen options.
  • Nutrient Needs: Different grass species need different nutrients. Read fertilizer labels to match your grass type.

Tip: The first number on a fertilizer bag indicates nitrogen content. Higher numbers mean more nitrogen, which is essential for new lawns.

By following these steps, you can ensure your hydroseeded lawn grows healthy and strong. Up next, we’ll dive into long-term maintenance strategies to keep your lawn looking its best.

Long-Term Maintenance

Taking care of a hydroseeded lawn doesn’t stop after the first few weeks. Long-term maintenance is crucial for a lush, green yard. Here’s what you need to know about how to care for a hydroseeded lawn in the long run.

Weed Control

Herbicide Timing: Hold off on using any weed killers until the grass has been mowed at least 3-4 times. Applying herbicides too early can harm young grass.

Weed Prevention: Once the grass is established, consider using weed control products that support grass growth while discouraging weeds. Always follow the product instructions for best results.

Product Recommendations: Look for weed control products designed for new lawns. These are generally gentler and won’t harm young grass.

Soil Preparation

Decompacting: Before hydroseeding, ensure the soil is decompacted. Compacted soil can prevent roots from growing deep, which is essential for a healthy lawn.

Grading: Proper grading is vital. It ensures water drains away from your home, preventing waterlogging and soil erosion.

Leveling: A smooth, level surface helps seeds take root evenly. Uneven ground can lead to patchy growth.

Common Issues

Patchiness: If you notice patchy areas, it might be due to uneven slurry application. Make sure to cover the area uniformly during hydroseeding.

Discoloration: Brown or dry grass is often due to insufficient watering. New seeds need consistently moist soil to germinate. Adjust your watering schedule if you see signs of discoloration.

Plant Hitchhikers: Sometimes unwanted plants can appear if the hydroseeding equipment wasn’t cleaned properly between uses. Ensure the equipment is thoroughly flushed to avoid this issue.

By addressing these common issues and following proper soil preparation steps, you can maintain a healthy and vibrant hydroseeded lawn. Up next, we’ll cover some frequently asked questions to help you steer any uncertainties you might have.

Frequently Asked Questions about Hydroseeded Lawns

How often should I water a hydroseeded lawn?

Watering is crucial for the success of a hydroseeded lawn. For the first two weeks, you should water 2 to 5 times per day. Each watering session should last about 10-20 minutes. The goal is to keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.

Adjust the frequency based on the climate. In hot and dry conditions, you might need to water more often. Always check for signs of drying and add an extra watering cycle if necessary.

When can I walk on a hydroseeded lawn?

A hydroseeded lawn needs time to establish before it can handle foot traffic. Wait about 3-4 weeks after application before walking on it. By this time, the grass should be well-rooted and ready for light use.

Walking on the lawn too early can damage the young grass and hinder its growth. Always ensure the grass is at least 3 inches tall and the soil is firm before allowing any foot traffic.

Do you need to fertilize hydroseed?

Yes, fertilizing is essential for a healthy hydroseeded lawn. Most hydroseed mixtures include a starter fertilizer to give the seeds a good start. This initial fertilizer typically lasts about a month.

After the first month, apply a follow-up fertilizer if needed. Look for signs like yellowing or discoloration, which indicate nutrient deficiencies. Use a fertilizer high in nitrogen and phosphorus to promote lush, green growth.

Continue to fertilize every 6-8 weeks during the growing season. Always follow the instructions on your chosen fertilizer to avoid over-fertilizing, which can harm the lawn.


Taking care of your hydroseeded lawn is crucial for achieving a lush, green landscape. By following the proper watering, mowing, and fertilizing guidelines, you can ensure a healthy and beautiful lawn.

Steve’s Services Landscape Company is here to help you every step of the way. Whether you need advice on lawn care or professional services, we have the expertise to assist you.

For more information on how we can help you with your hydroseeding needs, visit our Hydroseeding Services page.

If you have any questions or need personalized advice, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help you achieve the lawn of your dreams.

Enjoy your new lawn!


Taking Care of Your Hydroseeded Lawn: What You Need to Know

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