by | Jun 20, 2024

Landscape Cleanup: Top Costs & Tips for Your Yard in 2024


Why Landscape Cleanup Matters

When it comes to maintaining a property, landscape cleanup is crucial for both curb appeal and environmental health. Whether you manage a commercial property or own a suburban home, a clean and well-maintained landscape can enhance your property’s value and create a welcoming atmosphere.

Quick Facts About Landscape Cleanup

  • Importance: Enhances curb appeal, improves property value, and maintains a healthy environment.
  • Costs: Typically range from $200 to $500, but can vary depending on the size and condition of the yard.
  • Seasonal Relevance: Most effective when done in spring and fall to prepare for new growth and prevent disease.

Landscaping can be overwhelming, especially when dealing with overgrown paths, fallen leaves, and debris. However, regular cleanup ensures that your outdoor space remains attractive and functional. Landscape cleanup services offer professional care that saves you time and effort, ensuring optimal results for your yard’s health and appearance.

Hello! I’m Steve Sylva, owner of Steve’s Services Landscape Company with over 25 years of experience in landscape cleanup. My team and I are dedicated to providing top-notch services to keep your property in impeccable condition throughout the year.

Benefits of Professional Landscape Cleanup - landscape cleanup infographic brainstorm-6-items

Understanding Landscape Cleanup

Landscape cleanup is the process of maintaining and revitalizing your yard or garden by removing unwanted debris, controlling weeds, and ensuring the health and beauty of your plants. This task is crucial for maintaining your property’s curb appeal and preventing potential issues like pest infestations and plant diseases.

Types of Landscape Cleanup

Spring Cleanup
Spring is the perfect time to prepare your yard for the growing season. This involves removing winter debris, pruning dead branches, and fertilizing the soil. On average, a spring cleanup costs between $125 and $300.

Fall Cleanup
Fall cleanup is essential for getting your yard ready for winter. This typically includes leaf removal, cutting back perennials, and cleaning gutters. The cost ranges from $150 to $400.

Overgrown Yard Cleanup
An overgrown yard requires more intensive work, including mowing, hedge trimming, and removing dead plants. This type of cleanup costs between $400 and $800, depending on the yard’s condition and size.

Key Activities in Landscape Cleanup

Debris Removal
Debris removal is the first step in any landscape cleanup. This includes picking up fallen leaves, branches, and other waste. For a 2,000-square-foot yard, this can cost between $40 and $100.

Weed Control
Weeds can quickly take over your garden if not managed properly. Weed control involves pulling weeds by hand or using herbicides. The typical cost for weed control services is $50 to $125 per visit.

Mulching helps retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and improve the appearance of your garden. The cost for mulch installation is around $35 to $70 per cubic yard.

Pruning involves cutting back overgrown branches and shrubs to promote healthy growth. This service can cost between $185 and $450 for hedge trimming and $200 to $900 per tree for tree trimming.

By understanding the different types of landscape cleanup and the key activities involved, you can better plan and maintain your yard throughout the year. Whether you choose to handle these tasks yourself or hire professionals, regular landscape cleanup is essential for a beautiful and healthy outdoor space.

Next, we’ll dive into the costs involved in landscape cleanup, breaking down the expenses and comparing costs by yard size and season.

Costs Involved in Landscape Cleanup

Breakdown of Landscape Cleanup Costs

When planning for a landscape cleanup, it’s important to understand the different costs involved. Here’s a breakdown of the key components:

  • Labor: Professional landscapers usually charge between $50 to $100 per hour. This cost includes the expertise and efficiency they bring to the job.
  • Equipment: Costs for equipment can vary. For example, renting a power washer might cost $100 to $200, while specialized tools for tree trimming or stump removal can add to the expenses.
  • Disposal Fees: Removing yard waste often incurs additional fees. This can range from $0 to $100, depending on local disposal regulations and the amount of waste.

Cost Comparison by Yard Size

The size of your yard significantly impacts the overall cost. Here’s a quick comparison:

Yard Size Average Cleanup Cost
Small Yard (2,000 sq. ft.) $40 – $100
Medium Yard (5,000 sq. ft.) $100 – $250
Large Yard (1 acre) $850 – $2,000

For smaller yards, the costs are generally lower because there’s less debris and fewer tasks. Larger yards require more time and resources, driving up the cost.

Seasonal Cost Variations

The time of year also affects the cost of landscape cleanup. Here’s how:

  • Spring Cleanup Costs: Typically range from $125 to $300. This season involves tasks like removing winter debris, preparing flower beds, and mulch installation.
  • Fall Cleanup Costs: Usually fall between $150 to $400. Fall cleanups often require more effort due to leaf removal, gutter cleaning, and preparing the yard for winter.
  • Overgrown Yard Cleanup: If your yard is particularly overgrown, expect costs to be higher, between $400 to $800. This includes extensive mowing, trimming, and debris removal.

By understanding these cost factors, you can better plan your budget and ensure your yard gets the care it needs throughout the year.

Next, we’ll discuss how to plan your landscape cleanup, including when to schedule it and whether to do it yourself or hire professionals.

Planning Your Landscape Cleanup

When to Schedule Landscape Cleanup

Optimal Seasons: The best times for landscape cleanup are spring and fall. Spring cleanup should be done after the last hard freeze to clear any dead leaves and prepare for new growth. Fall cleanup, on the other hand, involves raking leaves and removing debris to prepare your yard for winter.

Weather Considerations: It’s important to check the weather forecast before scheduling your cleanup. Avoid rainy or extremely windy days as they can make the job harder and less effective.

Preparing for Cleanup: Before you start, make a checklist of tasks. This might include raking leaves, pruning shrubs, removing debris, and mulching. Having a clear plan will make the process smoother and more efficient.

Choosing Between DIY and Professional Help

Tools Needed: For a DIY landscape cleanup, you’ll need basic tools like a rake, leaf blower, pruning shears, and a lawnmower. You might also need bags for debris, gloves, and protective eyewear.

Skills Required: Basic gardening skills are often enough for a DIY cleanup. However, tasks like tree pruning or dealing with pest infestations might require more expertise.

Time Commitment: DIY cleanup can be time-consuming. Depending on the size and condition of your yard, it could take several hours or even days. Hiring a professional can save you this time, allowing you to focus on other important tasks.

Professional vs. DIY: While DIY is an option, hiring professionals like Steve’s Services Landscape Company can be more efficient. Professionals have the expertise and equipment to get the job done quickly and effectively. Plus, they can offer additional services like pest control and fertilization, ensuring your yard stays healthy and beautiful.

Checklist for Professional Cleanup:
– Obtain multiple estimates to find the best service within your budget.
– Verify the company’s experience, references, and the types of equipment they use.
– Confirm the services included in the cleanup, such as debris removal, weed control, and mulching.

By carefully planning your landscape cleanup and considering whether to go DIY or hire professionals, you can ensure your yard is well-maintained and ready for any season.

Next, we’ll explore the services offered by Steve’s Services Landscape Company and what sets them apart.

Landscape Cleanup by Steve’s Services Landscape Company

Services Offered

Steve’s Services Landscape Company provides a comprehensive range of landscape cleanup services to help you maintain a beautiful and healthy yard. Here’s a quick overview of what they offer:

  • Debris Removal: Clearing fallen leaves, branches, and other yard waste.
  • Weed Control: Eradicating unwanted plants that can choke your garden.
  • Mulching: Adding a protective layer to your soil to retain moisture and suppress weeds.
  • Pruning: Trimming trees and shrubs to promote healthy growth.
  • Lawn Maintenance: Regular mowing, edging, and trimming to keep your lawn looking neat.
  • Seasonal Cleanups: Tailored services for spring and fall to prepare your yard for the changing seasons.

They also offer specialized services like patio clean-up, deck pressure washing, and composting to enhance the overall appeal and functionality of your outdoor space.

Unique Selling Proposition

What sets Steve’s Services Landscape Company apart from other landscaping companies? Several key factors make them a top choice for your landscape cleanup needs:

  1. Experience and Expertise: With years of experience in the landscaping industry, their team knows how to handle various cleanup tasks efficiently and effectively.
  2. Customer Satisfaction: They are committed to delivering high-quality services that meet your specific needs. Their positive reviews reflect their dedication to customer satisfaction. For example, one customer noted, “Super nice and super professional. Did a great job and I am very happy with the results.”
  3. Free Estimates: Steve’s Services offers free estimates so you can understand the costs upfront. This transparency helps you plan your budget better.
  4. Professional Equipment: They use advanced equipment to ensure the job is done right the first time, saving you time and hassle.
  5. Customized Solutions: They tailor their services to fit the unique requirements of your yard, whether it’s a small garden or a large estate.
  6. Environmental Responsibility: They offer composting services to help you recycle yard waste and improve soil fertility, promoting a healthier environment.

By choosing Steve’s Services Landscape Company, you’re not just getting a cleanup; you’re investing in the long-term health and beauty of your yard.

Next, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about landscape cleanup to help you make an informed decision.

Frequently Asked Questions about Landscape Cleanup

What Does Landscape Cleanup Include?

Landscape cleanup involves several key activities to ensure your yard looks its best. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Debris Removal: This includes picking up fallen leaves, branches, and other yard waste.
  • Weed Control: Removing weeds from garden beds and lawn areas to keep your plants healthy.
  • Mulching: Adding mulch to garden beds to retain moisture and suppress weeds.
  • Pruning: Trimming trees and shrubs to promote healthy growth and improve appearance.
  • Lawn Maintenance: Mowing, edging, and trimming the grass to keep it neat.
  • Pest Control: Addressing any pest issues in your yard.
  • Fertilization: Applying fertilizers to lawns and plants for optimal growth.

How Often Should Landscape Cleanup Be Done?

The frequency of landscape cleanup depends on several factors:

  • Season: Spring and fall are the most critical times for cleanup. After the last hard freeze in spring and before the first freeze in fall are ideal.
  • Yard Size and Condition: Larger yards or those with many trees may require more frequent cleanups.
  • Personal Preference: If you prefer a pristine yard, you might opt for monthly maintenance.

On average, a thorough cleanup is recommended twice a year, in spring and fall. Routine tasks like mowing and weeding should be done more frequently, typically weekly or biweekly during the growing season.

How to Choose a Landscape Cleanup Service?

Selecting the right landscape cleanup service is crucial for getting the best results. Here are some tips:

  1. Get Multiple Estimates: Obtain three to five quotes to compare prices and services.
  2. Check Reviews and References: Look for feedback from past clients to gauge service quality.
  3. Ask About Equipment and Experience: Ensure the company has the right tools and experience for the job.
  4. Inquire About Minimum Charges: Some companies have minimum charges, especially for small yards.
  5. Verify Licensing and Insurance: Confirm that the company is licensed and insured to protect yourself from liability.
  6. Discuss Specific Needs: Make sure they understand your yard’s unique requirements and offer tailored solutions.

Choosing a professional service like Steve’s Services Landscape Company ensures you get expert care and a beautifully maintained yard.


In summary, landscape cleanup is essential for maintaining a healthy and attractive yard. It involves various tasks like debris removal, weed control, mulching, and pruning. Regular cleanups not only improve curb appeal but also prevent problems such as pest infestations and plant diseases.

The benefits of regular cleanup are numerous. It saves you time and effort, enhances your property’s value, and promotes a healthier outdoor environment. Plus, a well-maintained yard can significantly boost your mood and overall well-being.

If you’re looking for professional help, contact Steve’s Services Landscape Company. We provide expert landscape cleanup services tailored to your needs. Our team is experienced, equipped, and dedicated to making your yard look its best.

For more information or to request a spring clean-up estimate, visit our Spring Yard Clean Ups page. Let us help you transform your outdoor space into a beautiful, functional oasis.