by | Jun 10, 2024

Best Lawn Sprinkler System: Top 6 Picks for 2024



When it comes to achieving a lush and vibrant lawn, choosing the best lawn sprinkler system can make all the difference. To save you time, here’s a quick rundown of the top contenders:

  • Melnor XT Turbo Oscillating Sprinkler: Best for large lawns with even water distribution.
  • Gilmour Adjustable Spot Sprinkler: Ideal for small or irregularly shaped lawns.
  • Orbit 58308 Tripod Base with Brass Impact: Perfect for medium to large lawns, reaching tough spots.
  • GrowGreen Rotating Lawn Sprinkler: Versatile option for medium-sized lawns.
  • Orbit 58573 H2O-6 Gear Drive Sprinkler: Excellent for consistent, targeted watering.

Proper irrigation is essential for maintaining a healthy lawn. Lack of water can cause grass to become dry and brown, while overwatering can lead to fungal growth and pest infestations. Utilizing the right sprinkler system ensures that your lawn gets the perfect amount of water, tailored to its specific needs.

Why Irrigation Matters

Intermittent watering promotes root penetration and drought tolerance, while early morning watering reduces evaporation. Adjusting your sprinkler settings to match seasonal needs can help conserve water and maintain lawn health throughout the year.

I’m Steve Sylva, with over 25 years of experience in lawn care and landscaping. At Steve’s Services, we specialize in providing the best lawn sprinkler system solutions to keep your lawn looking its best.

Irrigation Tips for a Healthy Lawn: Consistent schedules, suitable sprinkler types, and seasonal adjustments - best lawn sprinkler system infographic pillar-5-steps

Now, let’s dive into choosing the right system for your lawn.

Choosing the Best Lawn Sprinkler System

Selecting the best lawn sprinkler system for your yard involves considering several factors. The right system can save water, reduce maintenance, and keep your lawn lush and green. Let’s break down the key considerations:

Types of Lawn Sprinklers

Different types of sprinklers are suited for various needs:

  • Fixed Sprinklers: Ideal for small, specific areas. They have a set spray pattern and are perfect for gardens or small lawns.
  • Oscillating Sprinklers: Best for medium to large rectangular areas. They move back and forth, covering a wide space evenly.
  • Impact Sprinklers: Known for their durability and long-distance spray, these are great for large, circular areas.
  • Rotating Sprinklers: These offer adjustable spray patterns and are versatile for different lawn shapes.
  • In-Ground Sprinklers: These are permanent fixtures, often part of a larger irrigation system, and are great for comprehensive lawn coverage.
  • Traveling Sprinklers: These move along a preset path and are excellent for large, irregularly shaped lawns.

Soil Considerations

Your soil type plays a crucial role in determining your watering needs:

  • Sandy Soil: Drains quickly and requires frequent, short watering sessions. Impact sprinklers are a good choice as they deliver a lot of water quickly.
  • Clay Soil: Retains water longer but absorbs slowly. Gear-drive rotors are ideal as they deliver water slowly, preventing runoff.
  • Loam Soil: Holds water well and is the easiest to manage. Most sprinkler types will work well with loam soil.

Area Size

The size of your lawn dictates the type of sprinkler you’ll need:

  • Small Lawns (up to 5,000 sq. ft.): Fixed or oscillating sprinklers are sufficient.
  • Medium to Large Lawns: Rotating or impact sprinklers cover larger areas efficiently.
  • Very Large Lawns: Consider an in-ground system or traveling sprinklers for comprehensive coverage.

Water Usage

Water usage is a critical factor, especially in areas with water restrictions:

  • Watersense Models: These are designed to use water efficiently, reducing waste.
  • Automatic Timers: Ensure your lawn gets the right amount of water at optimal times, conserving water and maintaining lawn health.
  • Drip Irrigation: Ideal for gardens and specific plant areas, providing water directly to the roots, minimizing evaporation.

lawn sprinkler system - best lawn sprinkler system

Choosing the right sprinkler system involves balancing these factors to meet your lawn’s specific needs. At Steve’s Services, we tailor solutions to ensure your lawn thrives while conserving water and reducing maintenance.

Next, we’ll explore how to match the best sprinkler system to different lawn shapes and sizes.

Types of Lawn Sprinklers

When it comes to watering your lawn, choosing the right type of sprinkler can make all the difference. Here’s a breakdown of the main types of lawn sprinklers, their features, and benefits.

Fixed Sprinklers

Fixed sprinklers, also known as stationary sprinklers, are perfect for small lawns or specific areas like flower beds. They have no moving parts and create a fixed coverage pattern, making them highly reliable and easy to maintain.

  • Pros:
  • Simple and durable design
  • Ideal for targeted watering
  • Economical
  • Cons:
  • Limited coverage area
  • Not suitable for large lawns

Oscillating Sprinklers

Oscillating sprinklers are the classic choice for medium to large rectangular lawns. They feature a long tube with multiple openings that move back and forth, creating a fan-shaped spray pattern.

  • Pros:
  • Even coverage
  • Adjustable range and width
  • Great for newly seeded areas
  • Cons:
  • Can be affected by wind
  • May require frequent adjustments

Impact Sprinklers

Impact sprinklers, also known as pulsating sprinklers, are highly durable and can cover large areas. They produce a strong, adjustable jet of water that rotates in a circular pattern, making a distinctive clicking sound.

  • Pros:
  • Long-distance water throw
  • Adjustable spray patterns
  • Resistant to wind
  • Cons:
  • Noisy operation
  • Can damage young lawns with high pressure

Rotating Sprinklers

Rotating sprinklers use multiple arms that spin to distribute water in a circular or semicircular pattern. These are versatile and can cover large areas efficiently.

  • Pros:
  • Even water distribution
  • Suitable for medium to large lawns
  • Works well on uneven terrain
  • Cons:
  • May miss corners of rectangular lawns
  • Requires moderate to high water pressure

In-ground Sprinkler Systems

In-ground sprinkler systems are the most automated and efficient option. These systems are installed in the lawn and connected to your main water supply. Sprinkler heads pop up at scheduled times to water different zones.

  • Pros:
  • Automatic operation
  • Customizable zones for different areas
  • Minimal maintenance
  • Cons:
  • Higher initial cost
  • Requires professional installation

Traveling Sprinklers

Traveling sprinklers are unique in that they move on their own, following the path of a garden hose. They are perfect for large, flat lawns and can cover vast areas without manual intervention.

  • Pros:
  • Covers large areas with minimal effort
  • Fun and engaging for kids
  • Easy to move and store
  • Cons:
  • Not suitable for small lawns
  • Needs to be monitored to avoid overwatering if knocked off track

Choosing the best lawn sprinkler system depends on your lawn’s size, shape, and specific watering needs. At Steve’s Services, we offer customized solutions to ensure your lawn gets the right amount of water efficiently and effectively.

Next, we’ll explore how to match the best sprinkler system to different lawn shapes and sizes.

Best Lawn Sprinkler System for Different Lawn Shapes and Sizes

Choosing the best lawn sprinkler system depends largely on the shape and size of your lawn. Here’s a breakdown of the most effective sprinkler types for various lawn configurations:

Rectangular Lawns

Rectangular lawns are common and straightforward to water. Oscillating sprinklers are perfect for these spaces.

  • Oscillating Sprinklers: These have a long tube with multiple nozzles that move back and forth, covering rectangular areas efficiently. Oscillating sprinklers like those we offer can cover up to 4,500 square feet and are adjustable to fit different widths and lengths.

Large Lawns

Large lawns require more powerful and extensive coverage. Here are your best options:

  • Traveling Sprinklers: These move along a pre-laid hose path, watering large areas systematically. They are ideal for uniform, expansive lawns. Our range includes models that are highly efficient and user-friendly.
  • High-Capacity Rotary Sprinklers: These are designed for broad coverage and can handle substantial watering needs. They are efficient but may require professional installation to ensure proper water flow.

Narrow Lawns

Narrow lawns need sprinklers that can cover long, slender areas without wasting water.

  • Adjustable Spot Sprinklers: These are excellent for narrow spaces. Our models can pivot 180° and rotate 360°, making them perfect for precise watering.
  • Oscillating Sprinklers: Some models are adjustable to very narrow widths, making them suitable for long and narrow sections of your lawn.

Irregular-Shaped Lawns

Irregular-shaped lawns can be tricky, but some sprinklers are designed to adapt to varying contours.

  • Rotary Sprinklers: These can adjust their spray pattern and distance to cover irregular areas effectively. Our selection offers 360-degree rotation and adjustable nozzles, making them versatile for odd-shaped lawns.
  • Portable Sprinklers: Customizable and easy to move, these can be placed strategically to fill in gaps. They can be particularly useful for targeting specific areas without overwatering.

Selecting the right sprinkler based on your lawn’s shape and size ensures optimal water distribution and promotes a healthy, lush lawn. Up next, we’ll discuss water efficiency and conservation techniques in lawn sprinkler systems.

Water Efficiency and Conservation in Lawn Sprinkler Systems

When it comes to maintaining a lush, green lawn, water efficiency is crucial. Here are some effective methods to conserve water while ensuring your lawn stays healthy.

Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation is a highly efficient method of watering your lawn and garden. Unlike traditional sprinklers that spray water over a large area, drip irrigation delivers water directly to the plant’s root zone. This minimizes water loss due to evaporation and runoff.

  • Precision: Targets the root zone, reducing water waste.
  • Healthier Plants: Delivers water where it’s needed most, promoting healthier growth.
  • Weed Control: Minimizes water on the soil surface, reducing weed growth.

Steve’s Services can design and install a custom drip irrigation system tailored to your landscape’s specific needs.

Automatic Timers

Automatic timers can be a game-changer for water conservation. They allow you to schedule watering times, ensuring your lawn gets the water it needs without overuse.

  • Convenience: Set it and forget it. Timers can be programmed to water your lawn at optimal times, like early morning.
  • Consistency: Provides regular watering intervals, which is crucial for lawn health.
  • Conservation: Prevents overwatering by shutting off the system after a set period.

Using an automatic timer, you can water your lawn early in the morning, reducing evaporation and ensuring the grass has time to dry before nightfall.

WaterSense Models

WaterSense is a program sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that promotes water-efficient products and practices. WaterSense-labeled irrigation systems and controllers are designed to save water and money.

  • Efficiency: WaterSense models use up to 20% less water than conventional models.
  • Smart Technology: Many WaterSense controllers use weather data and soil moisture sensors to adjust watering schedules automatically.
  • Savings: Reduces water bills while maintaining a healthy lawn.

By choosing WaterSense-certified products, you’re investing in a sustainable solution that benefits both your wallet and the environment.

Implementing these water-efficient techniques can significantly reduce water usage without compromising the health of your lawn. Up next, we’ll explore best practices for lawn watering to maximize the benefits of your sprinkler system.

Best Practices for Lawn Watering

Watering your lawn properly is crucial for maintaining its health and appearance. Here are some best practices to ensure your lawn gets the right amount of water at the right times.

Early Morning Watering

Watering early in the morning is one of the best practices for lawn care. The air is cooler, and the wind is usually calmer, which means less water is lost to evaporation. This allows the water to soak deeply into the soil, reaching the roots where it’s needed most.

  • Tip: Aim to water before 10 a.m. to reduce water waste and give the grass time to dry before evening. This helps prevent fungal diseases.

Intermittent Watering

Water deeply but less frequently to encourage deep root growth. This practice makes your lawn more drought-tolerant and healthier overall.

  • Frequency: Water your lawn about two to three times a week.
  • Depth: Ensure each watering session delivers about 1 inch of water. You can measure this by placing a tuna can in your yard and timing how long it takes to fill up.

Intermittent watering also avoids waterlogging and ensures that the soil has time to absorb the water properly.

Adjust for Seasons

Your lawn’s water needs change with the seasons. Adjust your watering schedule based on the time of year and the type of grass you have.

  • Spring and Fall: Cool-season grasses grow the most during these seasons and will need more water.
  • Summer: Warm-season grasses require more water. Cool-season grasses grow slower but still need supplemental water.
  • Winter: Most lawns need less water during this time, but be mindful of any unseasonal dry spells.

By following these best practices, you can keep your lawn lush and green while conserving water. Next, we’ll delve into the conclusion, highlighting Steve’s Services Landscape Company’s commitment to sustainable practices and customer satisfaction.


At Steve’s Services Landscape Company, we believe that a well-maintained lawn is more than just a beautiful sight—it’s a testament to sustainable practices and customer satisfaction. Our commitment to providing the best lawn sprinkler system options ensures that your lawn remains lush and green, while also conserving water and protecting the environment.

Sustainable Practices

We prioritize sustainability in all our landscaping services. Our irrigation systems are designed to be efficient and effective, minimizing water waste. By using advanced technologies like automatic timers and WaterSense models, we help you save water without compromising the health of your lawn. Our approach includes:

  • Efficient Water Use: Our systems are tailored to your lawn’s specific needs, ensuring that every drop of water is used effectively.
  • Eco-Friendly Solutions: We offer smart irrigation controllers that adjust watering schedules based on weather conditions, reducing unnecessary water usage.
  • Soil Health: Our recommendations consider your soil type, promoting deep root growth and drought tolerance, which are key to a sustainable lawn.

Customer Satisfaction

Your satisfaction is our top priority. From the initial consultation to the final installation, we ensure that our services meet your expectations. Here’s what sets us apart:

  • Expert Guidance: Our team of experts is always ready to provide personalized advice and solutions tailored to your lawn’s unique requirements.
  • Quality Products: We use only the best products and materials, ensuring durability and long-term performance.
  • Reliable Service: Our maintenance plans include regular check-ups and adjustments to keep your system running smoothly.

By choosing Steve’s Services Landscape Company, you’re not just investing in a beautiful lawn; you’re also contributing to a more sustainable future. We invite you to explore our irrigation systems installations and see how we can help you achieve a thriving, eco-friendly lawn.

sprinkler system - best lawn sprinkler system

Thank you for considering Steve’s Services Landscape Company. Together, we can create a greener, more sustainable outdoor environment for you and your community.